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3 comments block

[ - ] Spiral_Out 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 8, 2021 15:20:18 ago (+0/-0)

Those blades could never produce lift in an atmosphere that is 1% of Earth's.

[ - ] dominus_stercae [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 9, 2021 06:06:55 ago (+0/-0)*

Can you provide some calculation supporting your assertion?

ETA: Here's a thrust calculation for this case.

Static propeller thrust T = ³√(P² ✕ η² ✕ Η² ✕ π ✕ (d²/2) ✕ ρ)


T is thrust in Newtons
P is power of motor in Watts
η is propeller efficiency, 1 is perfect
Η is motor efficiency, 1 is perfect
d is propeller diameter in meters
ρ is air density in kg/m³

Known numbers:

P = 350 W, or 175 W per rotor (a simplification, but close enough)
d = 1.2 m
ρ = 0.013 kg/m³ at Mars' surface

Using typical efficiencies for propellers and motors:

η = 0.75
Η = 0.9

Mass of helicopter in Mars' gravity is 0.68 kg.

Using these numbers for one rotor:

T = ³√(30625 ✕ 0.56 ✕ 0.81 ✕ 3.14 ✕ 0.72 ✕ 0.013) ≈ 7.4 N

7.4 N is around 0.75 kg of thrust for a single rotor - more than the helicopter's weight on Mars. So with both rotors it'll have more than enough thrust to fly there.