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Q's Return Explained: What It Means For Picard Season 2

submitted by veo to StarTrek 3.5 yearsApr 7, 2021 22:08:00 ago (+4/-0)     (screenrant.com)


Not that Q. The star trek one.

8 comments block

[ - ] asdf23 1 point 3.5 yearsApr 8, 2021 03:18:25 ago (+1/-0)

Btw, DS9 is the best I the series

[ - ] veo [op] 0 points 3.5 yearsApr 8, 2021 13:34:04 ago (+0/-0)

That's my favorite series for overall story, but tng had the best individual episode stories, in my opinion.

[ - ] asdf23 0 points 3.5 yearsApr 8, 2021 03:17:33 ago (+0/-0)

Q ruined everything. From a literal since there was no consequences, responsibilities.

Oh no the borg are here and the warp drive is...

**Snaps fingers

Problems solved

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 3.5 yearsApr 7, 2021 22:49:54 ago (+0/-0)

Picard will be TRUST TEH PALN!

[ - ] Bornoffireandice 2 points 3.5 yearsApr 7, 2021 22:29:17 ago (+2/-0)

Truth be told, I thought that is where q got his screenname.

[ - ] veo [op] 0 points 3.5 yearsApr 7, 2021 22:30:13 ago (+0/-0)

I did too, lol.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.5 yearsApr 7, 2021 22:46:46 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.5 yearsApr 7, 2021 22:19:07 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user