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Visigoths Resistance To Toxic Jewish Power In Spain And Subsequently The (((Muslim))) Invasion Of Spain.

submitted by didyouknow to whatever 3.2 yearsApr 3, 2021 22:17:33 ago (+5/-0)     (whatever)

On the process of reposing my previous historical threads. Here's one that you guys might find very interesting.


Let this get straight from the beginning; Jews were NOT victims, the Visigoth ''persecution'' of the jew was as usual an answer to their toxic and deadly influence, and most of it, unfortunately, did not even work because of the amount of power and influence they had and also the large number of traitors that served jewish interests in the Visigothic kingdom.
This post is to show the traitorous nature of the jew and how also the Muslim invasion was more of a jewish invasion than it was a Muslim one.

Jewish establishment in Iberian peninsula and their toxic influence there:

The jewish community in Spain had been well established on the Iberian peninsula centuries before the foundation of the Visigothic kingdom. The jews were rich, large, and influential. It is even possible and very likely that jewish aristocrats continued to hold the rank of senator into the Visigothic period. Jews had also been successful in converting non-jews to Judaism. Jews owned many non-jewish slaves, engaged in both local and long-distance trade on a large scale, owned land estates, held both military and civilian offices in the Visigothic government, and took part in military activities.

https://files.catbox.moe/hys8me.png (Source: A Reassessment of Visigothic Jewish Policy, 589-711, Bernard S. Bachrach)

The Visigoths also detested the practice of circumcision, especially forced circumcision on Christian slaves. They had shown concern over the malice the jew had shown toward the Christians. Jews were portrayed as a bigger threat than pagans or heretics. Jews were also not allowed to develop close relationships with maidens as jews were described as being prone to ''illicit acts of sexual intercourse''. (Jews in Early Christian Law: Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries”- John Tolan et al. Oct 2011)

https://files.catbox.moe/7uf0nn.png (Jews in Early Christian Law: Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries”- John Tolan et al. Oct 2011)

The Visigothic kingdom was unstable with constant civil wars and this was mostly due to the toxic jewish influence there. Many Visigothic Kings tried to resist the jew but were met with opposition and this was usually the cause for many uprisings and civil wars.

Here are some examples;

King Sisebuts policy towards the jews in the Visigothic Kingdom;

Ordered that all slaves be removed from jewish ownership and any jew still caught having a Christian slave was to be freed from public officials and half of the jew's property would go to the royal fisc.

Forbade the jew to hire Christian workmen

Enacted anti-proselytization policies


King Suinthila, had deposed Sisebut's son Reccared II, he did not enforce Sisebut's anti-jewish laws but instead encouraged jews who went to exile to return to the kingdom. He even allowed jews to be employed in governmental posts. This started a civil war and Suinthilla was overthrown by Sisenand. Sisenand enforced Sisebuts anti-jewish laws and worked towards removing jewish officials in government. Any official who did not dismiss jews or officials who had appointed jews to positions of government power were liable to ex-communication. On top of that, Sisenand struck against the jewish slave traders who dealt in Christian slaves. His aim was to weaken the fiscal strength of the jewish community.


However, King Sisenand was met with strong opposition as it was expected that clerics, bishops, and other laymen would continue to lick jew-arse and continue to pursue pro-jewish policies. Sisenand's reign was short and was wracked by civil war. At least two of the uprisings against him were carried out by supporters of his predecessor's general policies, including those concerning the favorable treatment of the jews. Again, we see jews, starting wars to depose leaders that are resisting them.


King Chintila was the legitimate successor of Sisenand and his short reign, like Sisenand, under his reign the kingdom was also torn by civil war. This is because Chinthila continued to enforce anti-jewish policies and had thus being opposed by the jews. Unfortunately, it seems like Sisenand had not succeeded in ridding the jew from governmental positions and weakening their economic position in the kingdom.


Chinthila also pursued a policy of having jews either convert or emigrate. Any jew who agreed to convert would sign a document where they would promise to abstain from jewish rites and practices, circumcision included. Chintila was succeeded by his son Tulga, not much is known about his reign other than that he was deposed shortly after becoming King by the PRO-JEWISH Chindasuinth. Prior to Tulga getting overthrown, it was known that both major and minor revolts had struck the Visigothic kingdom with some supported by (((foreign aid))). Seeing that a pro-Jewish kingdom ended up becoming the king, it's only logical that the jew was behind these revolts.


The traitorous Chindasuinth. This piece of shit had reversed Chinthila's anti-jewish policies and returned to Suinthila's pro-jewish policies. Jews once again were allowed to be in governmental positions. The only action ''anti-jewish'' action Chindasuinth took was against Christians who converted to Judaism because jews had been extremely successful in their missionary work.


King Recceswinth, son of Chindasuinth. Unlike his traitorous father, Reccesswinth reversed his father's policies. He denounced jews for polluting the soil of Spain and reinstated all previous anti-jewish laws. He also aimed at making it impossible to jews to remain in Spain. Anyone who was caught practicing Jewish rites (such as circumcision) or celebrated jewish rituals was to be executed. However as we've seen with previous Kings who enacted anti-jewish policies, he was met with strong opposition. There were many traitors in the Visigothic Kingdom and Reccesswinth provided evidence to the Tenth Council of Toledo that many clerics were still selling Christian slaves to jews. Unfortunately, much of his policies against the jew failed to destroy their community. Mostly due to traitors and jews still having a strong political influence in the Kingdom.


Wamba succeeded King Reccesuinth, jews expecting that he would still enforce Reccesuinth anti-jewish policies and decided to orchestrate and support a rebellion against his throne. Unfortunately, he wielded to jewish power.



King Erwig became the successor of Wamba and it is suspected that he came to power through a conspiracy with Julian of Toledo to get rid of Wamba for his failure to enact and enforce anti-jewish policies. King Erwig drew up 28 anti-jewish laws. Again, there was a lack of widespread enforcement of Erwig's anti-jewish policies.



King Egica succeeded Erwig and was shortly after met with a rebellion that was most likely orchestrated and supported by jews. He managed to put the rebellion down. He implemented anti-jewish policies that aimed at destroying the economic base of the jewish community in the Visigothic kingdom because he understood that his non-jewish enemies were financially supported by jews.



King Egica had claimed that the jews had schemed to have him overthrown and that the jews sought foreign support to overthrow him (the Muslims). He had obtained confessions from the jews who had schemed to have him overthrown and presented it to the Seventeenth Council of Toledo.


Witiza was the son of Egica and his successor. Unfortunately, he did not pursue his father's anti-jewish policies. Witiza was succeeded by his son Achila. However, he was met with opposition and Roderic managed to establish himself as King in the southern part of Spain while Achila retained control in the northeastern region.

Roderic was surrounded by his enemies which included Byzantium, the Muslims, Achila, and of course..the jews.


Little is known about Roderic, his opposition to Achila and the jews opposition to Roderic strongly indicates that he was opposed to the jews much like certain previous Visigothic monarchs. The Muslims continued to conquer almost all of Hispania after defeating Roderic.


The Visigothic kingdom was riddled with civil wars, rebellions, and coups and they seem to have their focus around policies concerning jews. Kings who enforced anti-jewish policies were always met with strong opposition and why wouldn't they be. jews were a powerful force in the Visigothic kingdom and had the means to start trouble.


Source: A Reassessment of Visigothic Jewish Policy, 589-711, Bernard S. Bachrach.

Once again, the jews live in non-jewish land, they engage in their usual destructive shenanigans and refuse to follow the laws of the gentile, and any laws that get implemented against them will respond by orchestrating civil wars and uprisings. Notice how the Visigothic Kingdom never had the chance to flourish because of the jew.

Seeing how the Visigoths continuously tried to resist the jews, they had to destroy the kingdom completely and this is where the Muslims come into play.

Jews major participation in aiding the Muslims in taking over Spain.
It's important to get this context out of the way, there was already a large Judaic presence in North Africa prior to the Islamic invasion and many soldiers that participated were most likely jewish and not Muslim.

The large Judaic presence in North Africa;

According to the book, ''The Invention Of The jewish People'' by Shlomo Sand, there had been a successful spread of Judaism in North Africa. According to Marcel Simon, he stated that many of the Punics and African Phoenician had become jews as there was a distinctive strength of Judaism throughout North Africa. Some Punics were circumcised. Proselytization to Judaism was also popular in North Africa.


Tertullian, one of the two leading thinkers of early Christianity who was born in Africa had shown concern for the strength of Judaism in his native city of Carthage.


Arab Historian, Ibn Khaldun describes the large jewish presence in Northern Africa.


According to Professor Paul Wexler of Tel Aviv University in his book 'The Non-Jewish Origins of the Sephardic Jews' states that the Sephardim are primarily descendants of Arabs, Berbers, and Europeans who converted to Judaism''


According to Wexler, he came to the conclusion that most Sephardic jews came to Europe along WITH the Muslim invaders which started in the early 8th century C.E.


Visigoths' resistance to jewish supremacy in Spain had led many jews to flee to North Africa where many of their buddies had already an established community in. There they plotted their revenge against the Visigothic kingdom.


''Muslim Conquest'' of Spain;

''Muslim conquest'' of Iberia which started in the early 8th century was carried out mainly by Berber regiments that may have included many proselytes. Christians had condemned the treasonous behavior of the jews who had welcomed the invaders and also accepted being drafted in the Muslim army to help them in their conquest of Spain. While Christians fled, jews became appointed acting governors of many cities.

Ben-Zion Dinur in his ''Israel in Exile'' described the cozy relationship between the Muslims and the jews in the invasion of Spain. Cities that were captured were entrusted to both Muslims and jews. Every city that was captured by the Muslims where jews were found, became a part of the 'Muslim force'. In Sevilla, jews were the standing army there.


Tariq ibn Ziyad, the supreme commander and the first Muslim governor of the Iberian Peninsula were a Berber from the Judaized tribe of Nefouca. The possibility of him being crypto is very high.
He reached Spain with only 7000 troops but his force grew to 25,000 because many local men joined them. Obviously, most of them if not all of them were jewish.
Dinur argues ''all the Berbers who took part in the Arab conquests in Spain were Judaizers''.


According to Nahum Slouschz, an Israeli archaeologist, he claimed that Tariq was a jew who had made a common cause with the jewish refugees that fled the ''persecution'' of the Visigothic Kings and had gone to Morocco. He also states that Muslims were supported by every city they arrived in and that every city that was conquered was confided for safe-keeping to the jews. Nahum claims that the success of the Muslims in their conquest of Spain was only possible because of the jews who aided them

https://files.catbox.moe/0plcl5.png (The Jews and the Muslim Conquest of Spain by Norman Roth)

jewish historian Heinrich Graetz in his History of the Jews vol III stated also that jews made common cause with Tariq. He states that they opened the gates of Toledo and became the masters of towns of Cordova, Granada, Malaga, and many others.

https://files.catbox.moe/gax1lq.png (https://archive.ph/tBhwU)

Tarik had also appointed a jewish general who commanded an army of jews and Berbers and had occupied a part of Catalonia.

The benefits jews received under 'Muslim' rulership:

After the Muslim conquest of Spain, no longer did the jew have to worry about Kings rebelling against them and trying to rid them of their incredibly deadly and toxic influence. In fact, they flourished in Spain under ''Muslim'' rulership. I put Muslims in quotation because it's obvious here that the Muslims were in charge of Spain as much as Americans are in charge of the USA. Jews were the real power behind the scene. Spain under Islamic rule became a haven for jews and they flourished in many ways.

https://files.catbox.moe/tmqv7i.png (The Invention Of The jewish People'' by Shlomo Sand)

As usual, jews segregated themselves from Muslims and had their own enclaves. Granada for example was called the ''City of the Jews''. Jews became active in commerce and later banking. They worked as ambassadors to Muslim rulers. They had formed the most important and influential ethnic group in al-Andalus. They were very influential at the economic and ''intellectual'' level. This what they do every time they get full freedom.

https://files.catbox.moe/ckwxt3.png (ETHNIC GROUPS AND SOCIAL CLASSES IN MUSLIM SPAIN by Roberto Marin Guzman)

Jews were allowed high positions of power in Spain, one example is the jew Hasdai Ibn Shaprut. He was the physician to Caliph Abd-ar-Rahman III and later became the caliph's confidant and 'faithful' counselor. He was also a religious jew.


Certain jews even became viziers in Spain which is a very high ranking political minister. Like Samuel Ibn Naghrillah who was also a Talmudic scholar, his position gave him control over the Muslim army for 17 years. His son Joseph Ibn Naghrela succeeded him as vizier. Joseph married the daughter of Nissim Ben Jacob, A Talmudic Rabbi. So we're not dealing here with faithful Muslims or secular jews, but very religious jews of the worst kind who reached one of the highest positions of power in Spain, and this just shows how much influence and power they had in Spain under so-called 'Muslim rule'. This would have not been possible under Visigothic rule and that's why they had to destroy the Visigothic Kingdom. The Visigothic Kingdom never even had the chance to flourish because of the constant civil wars and uprisings caused by the jew...





2 comments block

[ - ] aleleopathic 2 points 3.2 yearsApr 6, 2021 12:53:47 ago (+2/-0)

Saved! Thank you for sharing.

Please ping me in any future researchposts.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 1 point 3.2 yearsApr 6, 2021 13:01:10 ago (+1/-0)

Sure thing.