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submitted by SparklingWiggle to whatever 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 19:44:30 ago (+19/-0)     (m.jpost.com)


Fucking kikes

8 comments block

[ - ] RecycledElectrons 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 2, 2021 08:34:36 ago (+0/-0)

13 people deported. That's "almost all of the remaining jews."

[ - ] kishind 4 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 20:08:23 ago (+4/-0)

Damn, the Yemenis beat us to it.

111's an even better number.

[ - ] account deleted by user 6 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 19:47:48 ago (+6/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 3 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 20:38:35 ago (+3/-0)

Kill most, they're not redeemable. Send back the rest and position nukes around their border so they stay fucking put. Make all travel out of Israel an offense punishable by death, and fucking enforce it. Make duel citizenship in Congress and Senate grounds for immediate impeachment. Cut off welfare, and healthcare to non contributing entities null and fucking void. Allow freedom of association, and enforce it with the full weight of law.

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 2 points 3.2 yearsApr 2, 2021 00:39:27 ago (+2/-0)

Supposedly there is an old jewish myth israel hid nukes under all the major government buildings in Europe and America in case they ever had to pull the killswitch to save their own asses. Sounds like kike lies to me, but I kinda wanna see that

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 3.2 yearsApr 2, 2021 08:06:58 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah, I think they call it Samson Option, and it's not that they hid nukes but they've gained control of American, Russian, and British nukes. Honestly, there's days I wouldn't mind seeing that too. Even if it is kike lies, it exists as a sort of rumor because it's not that far fetched they would set something like that up.

[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 1 point 3.2 yearsApr 2, 2021 07:24:16 ago (+1/-0)

That is kike lies, this isn't Game of Thrones or Call of Duty. That's retarded. Any enemy nation that could find out and verify this would shut the entire network of nukes down, and we'd probably send every nuke straight back up Israel's ass for the first time ever if we truly found out they were responsible for something like this. At the end of the day, unlimited money and bribes wouldn't be able to prevent action if this was the case, and Israel has no need to position themselves this way. They already have satellite weapons with directed energy. Why do you think that we've had more fires start since Trump's presidency than we've had along the west coast in years?


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 23:11:04 ago (+1/-1)

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