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WeekenPuzzled : The Great British Treasure Hunt

submitted by MagicMushroom to UnitedKingdom 3.5 yearsMar 22, 2021 21:18:06 ago (+1/-1)     (www.patrioticalternative.org.uk)


Every Saturday afternoon we will be posting a little teaser which will test our readers' knowledge of British history and landscape and take us on some interesting journeys. We have placed a trail of clues to help you find a British treasure; not to be confused with the legendary Thirteen Treasures our quarry might be a Roman ruin, a 7th Century carving, the gatehouse of a Norman castle, a medieval guildhall or a more recent memorial to some important event in the history of our nations. Follow the clues and work out where that treasure is.

Feel free to use the comments section to submit your answers or ask for hints.

It’s surprising to learn that this town was once an island. The OS map shows the town centre 4 metres above sea level, almost a mountain in these parts. Once home to the country’s largest railway marshalling yards some of which can still be seen but former areas of the yards are now, in a manner of speaking, escape proof.

The town’s post office is unusual in that it is one of only a handful in the entire country displaying the royal device from the brief reign of Edward VIII. Also unusual and totally unique is the town’s church which is today's "treasure". It is the only one dedicated to this saint, a princess who became a nun. The church is known for its double-hammer beam roof along with 120 carved angels.

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