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Eathing Healthy

submitted by RecycledElectrons to whatever 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 16:39:37 ago (+4/-0)     (whatever)*

I'm a fat fuck that was diagnosed with diabetes.

"You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality"
--Ayn Rand

I'm learning to eat healthy.

First, WTF does eating healthy mean? Eating healthy means limiting your calories, salt (sodium,) and carbs. All food breaks down into grams (g) of carbs, fat, and protein. Sodium is a special problem.

You limit calories to whatever will keep you at your current weight at first. When you get used to eating right and exercising, you may try to lose a pound a week. Normal weight guys should stay around 2,000 calories a day.

You limit your sodium to avoid heart disease, which kills 1/3 of Americans. The govt. recommends adult males stay below 2,300 mg sodium in a day.

You limit your carbs to avoid diabetes, which is a bitch to deal with. Once you are a diabetic, limiting your carbs lets you take less diabetes medication.

Breakfast: 2 cups Corn Flakes (1 cup = 8 fl. Oz.) 2 cups Milk on the Corn Flakes, 1 cup OJ on the side. 556 calories, 610 mg sodium, 99 g carb, 18g protein, 11g fat.

Breakfast: 4 eggs, 4 slices Sarah Lee Delightful White Bread as toast, 1 Pre-Cooked Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Link, 1 strip Oscar Mayer Pre-Cooked Bacon, 2.5 cups diet soft drink. 541 calories, 1031 mg sodium, 37 g carb, 41 g protein, 27 g fat.

Breakfast: 4.5 tablespoons (TBSP) Malt-O-Meal mixed with water, 2 slices of Sarah Lee Delightful White Bread with butter, 3.5 cups Milk. 507 calories, 405 mg sodium, 72 g carb, 19 g protein, 17 g fat.

Lunch: 1.5 Cheeseburgers (each Cheeseburger is 5 oz 93% leaf ground beef seasoned with a mix of Weber Salt-Free Steak Seasoning, Weber Salt-Free Burger Seasoning, and Mrs. Dash Salt-Free Steak Seasoning, 1 store brand Hamburger Bun, 2 slices Sargento Colby Jack Cheese,) 1 oz Corn Chips, and 2.5 cups diet soft drink. 711 calories, 1003 mg sodium, 98 g carb, 35 g protein, 25 g fat.

Lunch: 1.5 PBJ sandwich (2 slices Sarah Lee Delightful White Bread, 1.,5 TBSP regular jelly, 1.5 TBSP Simply JIF Peanut Butter), 1 oz chips, 2.5 cups diet soft drink. 633 calories, 652 mg sodium, 80 g carb, 30 g protein, 17 g fat.

Snack: One Apple about 2.75” across: 72 calories, 1 mg sodium, 19 g carb.

Snack: One Banana, 9" 10 10" long. 100 calories, 27 g carb, 1 g protein.

Snack: 2 oz. Graham Crackers: 260 calories, 170 mg sodium, 44 g carb, 4 g protein, 8 g fat.

Snack: 2 cups Snack Pack Sugar Free Jello – does not need to be refrigerated. Available in Cherry, Orange, and Strawberry. 10 calories, 70 mg sodium, 2 g carb.

I welcome criticism. It takes a pathetic fatty to know less than me about nutrition.

13 comments block

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 17:05:19 ago (+3/-0)*

account deleted by user

[ - ] Grendelbiter 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 23, 2021 16:45:07 ago (+0/-0)

Holy shit you eat a lot and way too much white bread.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 17:38:09 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Anonymous 2 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 16:50:04 ago (+2/-0)

Dude. Don’t eat anything that comes in a bag or a box. Don’t eat corn or soy of any kind. Over 95% of all corn and soy is GMO. Soaked in herbicides. Most grains are soaked in herbicides right before harvest as a drying agent. Eat organic grains and potatoes. Organic everything if you can. Read labels. If you cannot pronounce it, it’s not food. It’s probably poison.
Eat all the fresh fruit and vegetables you want. Eat eggs and yogurt and cheese and butter. Organic preferably. Eat meat and chicken. Just STOP eating chemicals.

[ - ] Merlynn 1 point 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 20:43:55 ago (+1/-0)

Ok,avoid prepared food. This includes fast food,frozen dinners,and "instant meals". Learning to cook ham to make your own sandwich meat and cooking your own bread will make for far healthier meals than store bought. This alone will get you clear of all the crap they put in food these days. And making your own makes you more active.

Chuck steak is cheap and pretty tasty and you can use it for a lot of things. Stew meat,kabobs,salad meat. You'd be surprised how delicious and filling a well made salad can be. Making your own dressings are also a good idea. Mayo's pretty simple. And once you have mayo you can make ranch dressing. The point is,there's a lot of ways to prep food to make it interesting so even if you eat the same thing every day,how you prep it makes a big difference.

Once you cut out the crap,you can now slim down how much you eat. Distracting yourself from your eating habits is a great way to cut down. Getting a hobby or playing some games or doing chores,get out of the rut of feeding your gut. Try to stick to a calorie limit and get exercise when you feel up to it. Hell,just get up and dance to some music. Even a waltz burns more calories than just sitting there.

Sugar intake,try to stick to fruits for sugar. You need some but sticking with natural is always a good idea. In fact,a good project might be to plant some fruit trees in the back yard. Check which ones are good for your climate and grow your own natural fruit. Honey and maple syrup are good when you want a little sweet as they're very sweet tasting,so a little dap'll do ya'.

Don't give up. You'll probably end up cheating a little. Don't quit at the first fall. Or the second or third. Breaking habits isn't easy and expecting some failures should be a given. What's important is you pick yourself up,get back on track,and keep trying.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 1 point 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 20:25:18 ago (+1/-0)

Lotta faggot shit written in a huge wall of text

just get your ass out of the house and do some exercise for Christ sake, do avoid sugar and carbs but your body actually needs salt to sweat, just don't consume shitty processed crap with salt and you'll be fine

also water, drink lots of water and if you can't drink water then drink sugar-free iced tea

you can make green iced tea with just berries, lemon juice and tea, store in a glass jug using hot mineral water and and put in the fridge, simple AF.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 22, 2021 16:42:09 ago (+0/-0)

Are you shitting me?

[ - ] CPU 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 22, 2021 05:01:58 ago (+0/-0)

I'll add more, you should be making meals like this, ex: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5HgySn5ck8I Eating this would be far better than eating graham crackers as a snack or pbj. In the case of this video, you can eat sliced beef with melted pepperjack cheese instead of turkey. Here's more vids: https://yewtu.be/channel/UCLQ4X5SZ9pEf8tawZQm9Q_w

The trick would be eating fewer calories and carbs, while eating what you need meat fat for energy, and protein to repair muscle from working out.

Also it becomes hard to eat well if you haven't worked out for that day.

Eating well and fit doesn't mean you have to starve all day, most fit people spend more time making food than going to the gym.

Moreover, it wouldn't hurt if you had some decent whey protein shake and drink that 3-5 times a day, assuming you are lifting. It should help curb your appetite a little. But it does cost money.

You have to use tricks like using sauces with pretty much no carbs to enhance your foods. Example would be making turkey, but eat it with gravy. Much more appealing than plain turkey.

[ - ] Tbneer967 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 22, 2021 03:16:05 ago (+0/-0)

Great job taking initiative.

One day at a time.
Don’t lose focus.

It’s hard to get it all down and perfect all at once.
If you mess up, don’t get disheartened, but channel the disappointment into fixing your routine.

Now lose some weight fat fuck.

[ - ] CPU 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 23:01:38 ago (+0/-0)

Don't eat corn flakes at all, it makes you fat and give you no energy. Just eat eggs and toast, then go all into eggs. 4-10 eggs per day.

Don't eat a PBJ sandwich, burgers and steak are much healthier and filling.

No diet soft drinks, look into flavored sparkling water.

No graham crackers, it does nothing, gives 0 energy and turns pretty much into fat.

Try eating more steak, burgers, mixed veggies. If you are hungry and don't know what to eat, make some eggs with some real cheese.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 19:37:56 ago (+0/-0)


Not exactly off to a good start.

[ - ] ClaytonBigsby313 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 19:19:54 ago (+0/-0)

Chicken spinach rice.


[ - ] veo 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 19:01:28 ago (+0/-0)

My wife and I basically only count calories, as our eating habits are already fine, we just struggle with portion sizing and snacking. I restrict myself to 1200 calories a day as a weight maintenence number, and if I need to drop a few pounds, I'll go a little while at 1000 calories. My day job isn't physically intensive, so unless its summer and I'm out working in the garden/yard, I have to keep a close eye on my calories. My wife tends to have a harder time counting calories, so she uses myfitnesspal, which I have access to and we use it as an accountability tool.

As long as you're eating a variety of foods (and don't eat out or eat shit all the time), you can basically eat whatever you want, as long as you don't exceed your daily calorie limit.