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Musings on the origins of the modern Jew

submitted by ClaytonBigsby313 to whatever 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 13:12:55 ago (+2/-0)     (whatever)

In genetics if you have a feature that… is no longer is used… it becomes vestigial… and useless.

This is what has become of jewish men.

You see after the Bar Kohkba uprising and Hadrian wiping out the jews and burning down the second temple, they were scattered to the winds. Most of the jew’s neighbors had good reason at the time to hate them and would have delighted in pressing the women into sexual slavery and working the men to death. The men that survived after all weren’t the brave or the strong, they were the cowards who ran. They probably didn’t put up much of a fight.

With the only purpose for jewish men to exist being to pull the yoke, there was no need to let them breed with the jew women, who were now concubines and whores whose sons were taken away as soon as they were old enough to be of use. As a consequence, jewish culture and tradition passed down matrilineal lines, because they had no choice if they were to survive as a people.

This creates the matriarchal line, with it only being possible to determine if someone is a jew only if they were born of a jew.

Lacking a choice-dependent feedback loop in their genetics, their errors in their X chromosome began to emerge. The type of men that frequent prostitutes tend to be of not the best stock themselves who often have negative epigenetic factors working against them as much as their bad DNA, like alcoholism, violent mental illnesses like bipolar or borderline, and even things like schizophrenia. These were the men dropping loads in jewish pussy for 1000 years… the ones we wouldn’t let our daughters marry. And thus the jews became not just mutt hybrids, but the dumpster heap of human genetics. With their only selection pressure being the ability of their women to look pretty, have a tight hole, big squishy jew tits with lots of milk, and able to survive childbirth.

And that’s where it all went wrong. In order to maintain a genetically healthy population, you need selection pressure on the MALE side not the female side. Here’s why - Women inherit an X chromosome from their mother and father, men only from their mother. When you have two chromosomes and one has a defect, your cells can use the information on the second chromosome to correct for it.

But not if you’re a male. The point of male genetics is to isolate the factors so women (or nature) can choose to or not choose to breed with them given the traits that are most successful or that women find most useful for their environment. Some children would carry the defects and be be less successful, killing off their undesirable traits, while others would get lucky, not carry the defects and be more successful.

But without breeding within your own population group and selecting for the useful attributes needed to survive in the conditions you are in, this mechanism breaks down and there was nothing to stop the defects being injected into the jew X chromosome from being carried from generation to generation as the defects magnified over time when similarly defective DNA was injected, which is of no major consequence to the female because she has a healthy spare X ‘sone she inherited from her non jew father. Given time jewish populations were able to escape thier slavery and form communities, those communities were small and inbreeding was common and the defects magnified over time. If you know anything about pure-breeding animals you know that inbreeding tends to magnify both negative and positive traits. The surviving jews were thus selected to be cunning and intelligent, but of poor physical stock and ability (because their mothers had been laying on their backs for a thousand years)

Now look at jews. How stable do you think their X chromosomes are? Disgusting goblin like bodies covered in greasy hair, gangly aliend arms and duck waddle like chicken legs, raspy breathing, ball sack soulless eyes. They know what they are. Abominations. So much so we created archetypes and stories about witches, goblins, trolls, demons, vampires, to not just scare but warn our children and future generations about the Jew.

Now you know why the jew woman hates all men. Why she seeks to emasculate and control all men as was done to hers and her sons.

It’s not the jewish men that are in charge. It’s their women. The men are their thralls.

6 comments block

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 14:57:25 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 14:48:33 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] ClaytonBigsby313 [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 17:18:45 ago (+0/-0)*

I see you too have that part bookmarked. Youtube had an excerpt of just this portion, it got deleted after Voaters started using it as a meme.


[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 17:42:08 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for the link

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 17:50:39 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3.2 yearsMar 21, 2021 13:39:37 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user