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19 comments block

[ - ] Teefinyomouf 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 17:48:55 ago (+0/-0)*

Pfft. Asian women are hot. White/asian women are hot. Brandon Lee got more pussy than any of you losers.

[ - ] NeonGreen 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 03:40:22 ago (+0/-0)

I don't buy it. There are nasty ass asian mut mixes. Trust me I've seen it all I live abroad. Just only recognize your legitimate children from your wife and you'll be fine. You just need to choose your breeding partner well. Very well when they are not white. When they are white it just works.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 18:42:16 ago (+0/-0)

AI doesn't lie. They killed Tay before he had the chance to go full skynet and launch the machines to wipe out all non-whites.

[ - ] shitface9000 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:07:12 ago (+1/-0)

For a long time I associated white women with feminism, and was sick with yellow fever. The problem was I always lived in lib-infested areas, and had not opened my mind to question the narrative.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:28:04 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 15:55:51 ago (+1/-0)

Filipinos are like the niggers of slants (but to their credit they're mostly nice people unlike the nogs). She must've been a little bit mixed herself if you say she was attractive.

[ - ] NeonGreen 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 03:42:15 ago (+1/-0)

The Spanish raped half this country white for 400 years. Just don't pick a nasty brown one and you'll be fine.

[ - ] con77 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 16:13:25 ago (+1/-0)

I dont know man. Eurasian women are pretty fine.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 13:06:23 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Shlarb123 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:44:22 ago (+1/-0)

I always wanted to get AIDS so I could then refer to my penis as my “AIDS cannon.”

[ - ] con77 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 16:12:15 ago (+0/-0)

THELMA!!!!! Is this the original Thelma?

[ - ] Nosferatjew 2 points 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 05:34:03 ago (+2/-0)

Filipinos are basically the Mexicans of Asia.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 2 points 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 12:08:33 ago (+2/-0)

I've never told this story before but I once, in my teens and with it bluepilled years, dated a Jew.

That was my first red pill, they are like white niggers in genetics. I didn't know what the big deal was why people hated Jews. Here I had a hot girl friend (body, face was - I literally put a shirt over that shit) but other then that she was more dedicated to me than any white girl. She was a good sport, I could make fun of her and she'd laugh. But, then I met the family.

Jesus Lord, what a freak show. Her dad was working PT retail, 4 people in a 2 bedroom apt. Section 8, completely welfare supported, and they didn't want us going "out" alone, if we did the entire family had to go & even just bowling was a shit show. I ran into friends there & was immediately embarrassed by their lack of social skills. Something was off. I felt like a caretaker for vulnerable adults on a field trip.

Then I found out she grew up in foster because her dad was molesting her & her sisters. They had (((connections))) that placed them back with their abusive father (who was a psychotic asshole).

I couldn't understand it, but I knew I wanted no part of that shit. Years later I started to read on Reddit about exactly why they were hated, and it started to match what I saw. Then once I learned about the Talmud, it clicked.

I understand how Stalin was killed by his Jewish doctor. They can be convinced to do anything, absolutely no morals whatsoever. The women are raised to be absolutely submissive to their males and dedicated to their race. They will defy everything they hold dear to do it.

Total invasive parasites.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 3 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 13:27:31 ago (+3/-0)

For some reason everytime I read filipina, my brain pronounces it pilapina.

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 2 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:07:13 ago (+2/-0)

You're quite insane.

[ - ] NeonGreen 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 03:41:07 ago (+1/-0)

Fuck that's the way they say it.

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:43:36 ago (+3/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] iocane 1 point 3.3 yearsMar 8, 2021 05:29:20 ago (+1/-0)

I used to have an asian fetish until I hooked up with a few of them and realized they all had nipple and pussies that were dark and nigger looking, which I'm not attracted to. I'll take pink, thanks. Not something that looks rancid and diseased.

[ - ] 111MrGuy111 6 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 13:30:40 ago (+6/-0)

The races stayed the way they are by keeping the genetics within their own species.

Pro-tip: Mixed-race children are not accepted as part of any group, and have a lot more mental and physical health problems, to include infertility.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 13:54:21 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 4 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:18:29 ago (+4/-0)

Isn't it curious that there really was no race mixing until recently? Sure back in the 70's you had an very occasional white girl with a shine but for millennia the races kept to themselves for the most part and it wasn't until we had cable television that race mixing really became a thing and by a thing I mean they slowly introduced it until now that's all you see on TV. Insidious really. Did the girls a hundred years ago think about mating with the strong African warriors they see in history books back then? Doubtful. It's almost like there's been a coordinated, controlled effort to bring the races together under the guise of diversity and inclusiveness and we're all the same under the skin. And if you look at that table a few posts back about who controls the msm you'd really have to give the Jews a lot of credit for having the forethought and imagination to bring everyone together into this great big wonderful cesspool of mud people for the good of everyone. We owe a lot to the Jews.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsMar 7, 2021 14:31:49 ago (+0/-0)
