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White excellence

submitted by oppressed to WhitePeopleThings 3 weeksMay 26, 2024 00:45:21 ago (+34/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


In 1930, engineers accomplished something remarkable: they rotated an 8-story, 11,000 ton building a full 90 degrees, in order to allow the construction of a second building on the site (the company needed more office space).

Located in Indianapolis, the Indiana Bell Telephone Company headquarters was moved 15 inches an hour, all while 600 employees still worked inside. There was no interruption to gas, heat, electricity, water, sewage, and most importantly, the essential telephone service they were providing to the city. A movable wooden sidewalk allowed employees and the public to freely enter and exit the building. The whole move took a month took complete.

8 comments block

Damn hard work.What is the #1 reason for moving "said" home rather than building-buying another? Just curious.