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Redditor almost died on a Boeing flight

submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnReddit 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 02:17:41 ago (+11/-5)     (archive.is)


15 comments block

Fuckn jew or jew repeater monkey in there says "Yet another example of over engineering to failure". Hahah. Fuckn ditch digger needs to go dig ditches and be useful.

TH EBay cult went crazy on a couple who criticized Ebay and flew to their home town, and put trackers on their car, followed them, sent porn to their neighbour's house in their name, sent them cockroaches and a book on how to survive the loss of a wife. If thy hadn't have been caught and arrested they probably would have burned their house down and killed them or something.

The death of Boeing Whistle blowers isn't surprising. The employees went through those parasite equality seminars that put communist style perpetual struggle in their heads as mental abuse and manipulation, and made them paranoid but deadly loyal to their leader