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submitted by con77 to RIP 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 15:38:05 ago (+32/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


68 comments block

In genesis, abraham - the father of both israelites and jews - was told his descendants would rule many nations. His descendant joseph then took over Egypt and invited the rest of his tribe in to "feed off the fat of the land", to parasitically leech off the Egyptians. When the Egyptians rebelled, moses genocided them and then repeated the idea that jews deserve to rule other nations, adding in that they should enslave non-jews with debt (deuter 15:6). Then jesus was born in judea to the tribe of judah and claimed he came to fulfill the words of the old prophets like moses. Now the belief system jesus created controls 3 billion people.

Were abraham, joseph, moses, and jesus israelites or jews? Because I hate whatever they were.