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Most jobs that pay money in the US dont produce anything

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 10:00:42 ago (+49/-0)     (Rants)

And im not saying this as someone who just had to pay hundreds to get their towed car back ... but then it got me thinking, why is this even a thing? I can understand the part where the car gets towed, but now a company can essentially steal your car over a few hundred bucks. If you dont pay it, fuck you, the car is ours now. You never own anything, since anything you own is so overtly commoditized it can be taken away for any reason or no reason. If you own a house, a lien can be used over property taxes or HOA, or whatever, and you are now SOL. No recourse, fuck you.

This got me thinking to the whacky liberal ideal that if you cant afford X you dont deserve to be in business. But most of their ideals are completely arbitrary and all over. If you cant afford to waste money hiring niggers, you dont deserve to be in business. But the question then is, what company can? If you cant afford 15$/hr then you deserve to go bankrupt. And yet liberals will scream they can never find a job. But when you look at it, their immensely retarded ideals caused their own demise. And yet if you ask any liberal, they simply can not link their own actions to consequences.

And when you look at the top paying fields: none of them producing anything. Finance is just moving fake numbers from one screen to another, insurance is moving contract law around to not pay out, lawyers go neurotic over man made contracts which have been broken for any or no reason because fuck you. Contract nullification makes this even weirded since one contract can say one thing but its invalid, but the rest of the contract is valid unless its not, but you need to spend thousands to figure out what the contract says.

Meanwhile the farmers, service workers, HVAC, and all the other fields that produce something of value pay close to nothing. This system can't go on like this forever, eventually it will be forced to downsize or collapse.

44 comments block

No recourse, fuck you.

You could physically damage or destroy your attackers. But most are caught up in the fantasy of modern jewish society. It's the herd-management tool that converts humans into the cattle in their mocking meme.