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Why should I give a shit anymore?

submitted by ZyklonDryCleaners to whatever 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 15:13:48 ago (+46/-1)     (whatever)

Laid off and burnt the fuck out. Credit is fucked. Cost of living is unsustainable. 3 out of every 4 job postings have no intention of hiring anyone. 14 years experience as a computer engineer means fuck all. jews ruined everything. The only thing Hitler did wrong was lose.

105 comments block

One of the most important things everybody can do to get out of a bad financial situation is to have The bravery in the common sense to do what every corporation and every scoundrel in America does and that is declare bankruptcy and get out of your fucking debts and start your life free and clear. Every company does it why shouldn't people.

This mother fucker needs to stop crying and he needs to have the moral turpitude and the strength of character to stop worrying about what other people think and to do what's good for him financially and declare bankruptcy and start out fresh and never ever get a credit score again because he never ever should be borrowing any money again ever because that's the Jew. It's going to the Jew and sucking their cock. And if you're going to be fucking stupid and go borrow money to do anything then you're just going to the Jew and sucking their cock. So stop going to the Jew to suck their cock and learn to be fucking financially responsible and never buy anything until you can actually fucking pay for it like everybody used to do and the 19 fucking fifties.