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Lightning bugs are out wtf

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to WTF 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 00:18:50 ago (+11/-2)     (WTF)

I was sitting out on the deck and fireflies are everywhere. I've never seen'em here this early before. My wife said she forgot to tell me that she seen them two weeks ago. This is very weird. Its usually middle of June or later before we ever see them. They seem bigger and brighter too. Everything was early this year. It seemed like summer has just slipped in very quickly this time. Maybe its because the Sun is at peak and been having a lot of storms? IDK but in my 50+ years on this Earth I've never seen it like this. We usually drag ass through winter and it doesn't get nice here until may 12th or so. Underbrush came in early. I noticed that back in the last couple weeks of March. We don't see that til the start of May.

24 comments block

so have my farts