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Most popular re-elected President Nixon who ended the Vietnam War passed environmental regulations and helped the middle class taped his discussion with Billy Graham about how Jews will destroy the country because they don't believe in the same things we believe in

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 3 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:06:40 ago (+49/-1)     (twitter.com)


If you don't know Nixon was framed and brought down by Jews including Mark felt who was secretly deepthroat and feeding information to the Jewish reporters at the Washington Post which was Jewish controlled to create a bad image of Nixon over a long period of time to change people's opinion about him and get him to resign..

Who was Mark felt? Who's the assistant director of the fbi.

So once again we had the intelligence agencies working against the population of the United States that had just reelected Nixon in one of the biggest landslides in the country's history.

He was so popular. He was for the middle class he had ended the Vietnam War and the horrible draft that had thousands of young men killed. He passed environmental regulations that did many other wonderful things.

And he was framed and still is framed as a crook and a bad person when actual fact he was one of the best presidents..

But the Jews brought him down because they knew he opposed them as he discusses here.

It's important to remember that at this time divorce was almost unheard of. pornography was not prevalent. television and movies had codes of ethics which could not be broken. the country was primarily white Christian European. Crime rate was very low.

And after they got him out the Jews did indeed destroy our country through the media primarily by controlling the media and framing nonsense as truth.

Now marriage is the thing that is unusual. They're very few children born. They're pushing not just pornography but all kinds of gay shit and transgender bullshit and abortion is everywhere.

The white European race is being genocided right in front of our eyes and Nixon predicted at all just back in the '70s.

It's been almost no time at all.

We must reverse this somehow. And Trump will do it and Biden is certainly under their spell. And RFK won't acknowledge the problems with Israel although maybe he's just trying to keep it on the down low until he could possibly get elected but I doubt it he married a jew.

We're really fucked unless we figure something out.

29 comments block

I was going to say exactly that. I was alive then too, and I remember when he took the US economy off the gold standard and established fiat money. Disagree with you on TR, though. He was a progressive and pushed for the government nanny state after seeing it in action in Europe.