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38 comments block

I'm an X myself, and I have to disagree. Our peers are a bunch of sad fuckups who still try to live like teens in middle age and beyond. More than half our generation are still rabid fat leftists shuffling around in Doc Marten boots and Nirvana tee shirts with green dangerhair and BLM signs staked in their yards. X men are terrified of manhood and X women are all bipolar.

Our generation had absolutely no business having children.

Every single 25 year old crayon-eating non-binary "zoomer" I have ever had the misfortune of meeting, was raised by some incompetent jackhead from our own generation. The young of today never stood a chance, and it's all the fault of the giant clown troupe that was born in the 1970s.

People still keep blaming the boomers but for the past 3 decades, X has been even WORSE than them. I despise my peers and wish I were 20 years older.