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"There is no path to military victory"

submitted by BulletStopper to Ukraine 1 monthMay 5, 2024 14:22:22 ago (+21/-0)     (smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


And there never was.

"Believe me when I tell you there is no chance that Ukraine will ever succeed in its war against Russia. There is no path to military victory for Ukraine, period. It doesn’t matter if we give $60 billion. It doesn’t matter if we give another $120 billion, $200 billion. It’s not going to make any difference..."

Mr. Davis makes the same "category error" as every other military professional by attempting to frame the purpose of the conflict in military terms. He still thinks its all about "winning" or "losing" militarily.

But it's not. It's not about Ukraine. And it's not even about Russia. It never was.

It's about setting up a machine in central Europe to do two things just as fast, and for as long as possible.

1) To kill as many White Christian uropean Men as possible in the time available, and

2) Launder as many USD to the leftists as possible in the time avaiable.

These two things will continue apace until they can't anymore.

Thank's jews!

12 comments block

Nobody wants to believe that everything they've been fed by ✡media and puppet politicians has been a lie...Russia won this battle before it even started but NATO and the collective west, the world's retards, chose to go at it anyways (on orders of the ✡)....it's a double bonus for the rotten parasites in that a few trillion $$$s funds a genocide and adds to the bank accounts of those responsible for the misery and mess...and nobody seems to clue in as to the state of decay and fragility that the west is in ie the fagged military wrought about by fagged society, debt ridden financial situation, extinct manufacturing sectors vital to munitions supply, no workforce due to faggotry and 3 generations of cowards who believe that the infestation of niggers and shitskins is a nation's strength...not to mention the delusional matriarchy that has totally fucked up everything...BRING IT ON NOW AND LET'S GET IT OVER WITH.