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Chinese Villains are High Pitched

submitted by The_Reunto to ShowerThoughts 1 monthMay 1, 2024 12:37:46 ago (+2/-0)     (ShowerThoughts)

Odd cultural observation:

Western movies dubbed into Chinese make the Hero have a masculine voice and the villains sound weasley.

Chinese movies dubbed into English usually make the villains have a deeper voice.

English to Chinese example: Khan from Star Trek Wrath of Khan

Chinese to English example: Evil Prince from Hero among heroes

2 comments block

Looking at the Hero among Heroes example closer, the evil Prince character initially is presented ambiguously where you aren't sure whether he is good or evil. They have him speaking softer at first to hide the higher pitch, at almost a mid-tone. When it is revealed that he is without a doubt a villain, the high pitch takes hold as his only mode of speaking. It's a type of social cue in story telling for that culture. These cue-conditionings get reinforced in entertainment and other media.

The interesting question is about the types of cuing that Western media uses that we may not even register.