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There's currently a cadre of beaners moving in next door.

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 4 weeksMay 4, 2024 15:30:03 ago (+21/-0)     (whatever)

Better than niggers I guess. I'll know if they're Mexican tomorrow if the air is polluted by mariachi and molta. They sound Colombian or Venezuelan. Too dark to be from Argentina.

It's a couple with three kids, so at least there's a family unit. No moving truck, just a squad of beat up f150's.

There goes the neighborhood, I knew I shouldn't have resigned the lease agreement.

44 comments block

Peleg 5 points 4 weeks ago

You know how most wetbacks are very superstitious? When you find out where they are from look up the scariest superstitions from there and make them Real!
Like, if they are from Venezuela hang fake owls all around your yard. Play the sound of screech owls at night. Things like that could possibly get them to move.