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Christ is King. So Fuck you jews, you mentally diseased sociopathic degenerates

submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 monthMay 2, 2024 04:19:51 ago (+30/-7)     (Jews)

35 comments block

A man born in judea to a mother of the tribe of judah is king, so.... wait, what? Why the fuck does a jew get to be king? I don't care who the sand god chose as his chosen people, my Gods chose the Germans.

Fuck the abrahamic curse that made them think they deserve to rule over us, fuck joseph for taking over Egypt through economic manipulation, fuck moses for telling his chosen people to enslave the world with debt, and fuck saul the shapeshifter for teaching the Romans to worship jews. My Gods and my heroes do not come from the middle east, they come from Europa.