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@purityspiral ...you wanted to see my chick magnet (magic sunglasses).

submitted by paul_neri to ShitpostLitterBox 1 monthApr 24, 2024 01:50:23 ago (+10/-2)     (i.ibb.co)


12:00 am paul_neri I bought these $10 sunglasses at Kmart for bike riding. I don't really like them because they are a bit big. Anyway they seem to drive the chicks crazy! The other day these young wenches said some very flattering things to me. They could have been taking the piss but I prefer not to think that and today a chick looked at me. I looked back and she palm waved me! Please rate my story /10.

12:00 am GowithitHe moved to bitchute for his full form videos omg! its been years!
12:01 am GowithitTell them the news about rfb. Guaranteed theyll think you are the coolest thing since sliced bread
12:08 am @big_fat_dangus queeri gets the golden calf
12:08 am paul_neriReported.
12:08 am big_fat_dangusreport deez nuts nigga
12:30 am @GreatSatan die paul
12:32 am @purityspiral show us the magic sunglasses
12:52 am big_fat_dangusヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪

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