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My baby was being a PC baby tonight

submitted by Cunt to Mildlyinteresting 1 monthApr 24, 2024 07:44:10 ago (+7/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


Crying or whinging whenever my husband or I said something not PC.

But also he (my baby, not my husband) was punching himself repeatedly in the head, to the point where he couldn't latch on for sustenance and I had to restrain his arm to which he gave me a huge smile and face of relief and "how did you stop me getting punched in the head I seriously had no idea who was doing that!".

I feel like there's a metaphor or something in there.

5 comments block

She would cry and then do it again! Well then stop it omg.

the 3 year old is the worst one. Holy shit she's the worst one. Shame too as she's the one that looks most like me so its hard to get mad at her.

She doesnt give two fucks about anything jumped straight out of the tub to run away from washing her hair like not stepped out like olympic style jumped. thats not adhd i call that the devil.