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Mat Walsh has begun his journey on getting fired.

submitted by JudyStroyer to tellupgoat_based_edition 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 09:49:46 ago (+30/-1)     (youtu.be)


Here he is discussing hate speech laws against antisemitism and how in American it is. Keep in mind the kerfuffle earlier in regards to gaza between him and the other daily wire whores. Nothing too crazy here, but he will have problems from the dw. Remember Candace specifically said that everyone in journalism know not to name the jew. Everyone. It’s common knowledge. You know damn well there are a lot of people that have kept it inside and now with the tide turning, they are facing those same feelings and can see that things swelling to a breaking point. The question is which side do they want to end up on. The people? Or the jews?

18 comments block

After the soviet bolsheviks jews rein of terror it was justified that Hitler protect his people from the jews as death becomes them. The holocaust was a fucking lie made up by israel and the u.n. cucks.