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TFW You're Alread Getting Everything You Kept Saying You Always Wanted...

submitted by BulletStopper to ClimateTards 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 19:56:27 ago (+2/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


...destroying the economy (which you hate), and other peoples lives and freedom (which you also hate), and the environment (which you say you love yet somehow know nothing about), yet somehow, you're STILL not fucking happy.

It might lead a reasonable person to suspect that your bullshit is less about, "Saving Da Erf", and more about feeding your own attention-starved egos.

It's all a big scam either way, so just make up your fucking minds already, pick your grift and stick with it, ecofags.

(Would have loved to see one of those little turds get some oil on one of the Marines blues and get hammered into the ground like a tent stake.)

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