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Another example of jew owned Babylon bee this time promoting the jew holocaust narrative

submitted by GetFuckedCunt to anything 2 monthsMar 26, 2024 02:42:31 ago (+15/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


This one is a bit more subtle and nuanced.

Babylon bee is trying to claim that the left are being outrageous by calling the people banning porn nazi's for banning porn from schools when this in fact is what the NSDAP did. So in this one instance the leftists are correct (broken clock is right twice a day) in stating that banning porn for children is akin to nazism. They do this to keep up with the narrative that the nazis book burning was bad. Nazism was evil, 6 trillion jews masturbated to death in the gas chambers e.t.c.

This is a psychological tactic that the jew employs to help push the holohoax narrative.

2 comments block

That's my point. The bee is wrong.