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Imagine believing that constellations and a fixed pole star could exist whilst this is going on

submitted by GetFuckedCunt to anything 2 monthsMar 20, 2024 01:37:07 ago (+3/-4)     (files.catbox.moe)


Imagine calling other people idiots for asking questions about the jewish propaganda we had programmed into us as children.

"You flattards just need to shut up and accept what the experts tell us, you can use a telescope, REEEEE" ~ globetards

You act like we didn't once believe the same bullshit you still do. You act as if science is a settled subject that should never be questioned. You act like communist, jewish fucktards becoming defensive of the truth attacking your precious narrative.

9 comments block

Yes. When I was on the Westcoast in later summer as the sun was setting I called my friend in central Europe. For me the sun was going down (sunset) and for him the sun was coming up (sunrise).