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Breaking your generational curses

submitted by Razzoriel to Family 4 monthsJan 29, 2024 08:13:44 ago (+0/-1)     (Family)

All families begin cursed. We are sons of Adam and Eve, and our Original Sin is a mark that can only be reduced and covered, never fully removed. The only two humans in mankind's history to be born without sin were Mary and Jesus Christ. As such, you will be born in sin and curse, and its your duty to remove their mark on your lineage, for you will also produce your own sins and curses. The primordial question is: will your curses be less of a burden to your kids than the ones received by you?

Genetics play a role in this, but only one side of the story is told. If racial supremacy is to be maintained, then what about humans who went above and beyond to reach a level of virtue their kin could not? If you do not praise them, you are not doing your part as well as only criticizing the worst. Whites trying to reclaim their lost splendour need to recognize the virtue of other races so their own are elevated. Catholics are very thankful today for example of the defiance of African bishops who deny their blessings to degenerates. Only a handful of Western bishops did so. And most that did are not as vociferous. This has everything to do with how you raise your family, because praising virtue is more necessary then rejecting vice (both are needed).

See where your parents made errors, but also fight to keep in your family what they did right. Recognize their limitations as human beings, because you will also be limited to your own kids. And last but not least, be the parent your kids need, not the one you always wanted. Dont fall into the modernist trap of believing all that is new is good. Seek what has been tried and proved. Your kids will thank you that even when you failed, the spirit of the decision was in the right place.

3 comments block

Sometimes they get it right because they listen and try to read what worked. Take what worked with them, because it may also with you.