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Tucker Carlson had his little buddy Kevin Spacey on recently. Many have accused Spacey of rape. 3 of those died under mysterious circumstances within the same year then Spacey came out with the "kill them with kindness" video.

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Faggots 5 monthsDec 26, 2023 17:47:30 ago (+29/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


Spacey's sexual assault accusers died mysteriously in the span of the same year.

1. Hit by a car and driver was not charged.
2. Died with no cause announced.
3. Committed suicide on Christmas Day.

He had more than 30 men come forward with accusations and still somehow was never charged with anything. He's been to the (((island))). There are pics of him with his dear friends, Maxwell, Singer, Clinton, but they are now hard to find. Just like Drew Carey. He's part of the same clique. oh, and he's a massive, degenerate fag. Obviously.

11 comments block

He was acquitted. Can’t you dumb breeders accept that?