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Smashing Pumpkins guitar try-out

submitted by Hall_of_Cost to Guitar 5 monthsJan 13, 2024 21:31:30 ago (+4/-0)     (Guitar)

I recently heard Billy is looking for a new guitar player, not sure why. Either James' health or their relationship, I suspect.

The time is now! Post your Pumpkins covers!

I'll post one soon. Might not be a complete song, but I know most of a couple of Pumpkins tunes.

I don't like all of Billy's music, but the guy is a tone master. Going through some old tone focused gearpage threads and there are many legends of how Billy believes all these tone "myths" - like how the color of the paint having a big impact on the tone of a guitar. I thought, "He's like me!" because ya, I believe a lot of those tone "myths".

3 comments block

Now all my pumpkins are broken and my guitars are goopy.