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"Try Sober" (gratitude)

submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 5 monthsDec 22, 2023 14:36:11 ago (+10/-1)     (SmedleysPorch)

I'm grateful for this chair
I'm grateful for this pen
Ideas seem to disappear
But they exist they'll come again

I'm grateful getting older
Though I don't feel quite grown up yet
I'm grateful still relatable
In progression d'effet

I'm grateful for all the drugs I used
Lucky didn't get hooked on dope
I'm grateful never liked needles
But sure there's damage to my nose

I'm grateful I don't gamble much
My addictive personality
I'm grateful poker's just for fun
With bills from Monopoly

I'm grateful unemployment's flagged
I'm grateful rehab has few needs
Miss my well paying position
But if I had cash I'd prolly flee

I'm grateful I'm not stuck in jail
And my family sends me smokes
I'm grateful to be leaving soon
But a halfway house ain't home

I'm grateful blood work's normal
And I can't see my liver's size
I'm grateful don't have cravings
It's been forty days tonight

I'm grateful for lovers and dry spells
Though I'm not sure I've been in love
I'm grateful for a break from news
Still point out programming's propaganda

I'm grateful for the friends I made
I'm grateful I'm not dead
May not always stay sober
But it'd be great to come again

4 comments block

I’m grateful for this post and the goat who posted

I’m glad that we can toast over bones whom some claim mistreated …..Cheers!