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Why isn't there a caffeine free version of Red Bull?

submitted by UncleDoug to ShowerThoughts 6 monthsDec 19, 2023 02:13:30 ago (+3/-1)     (ShowerThoughts)

Taurine is an amino acid that helps break down minerals, it is already an energy drink like Berocca if they just released an option without all the caffeine.

There must be a market for it with all the zoomers stroking out from vaping and monster energy.

5 comments block

Gladiatori consumed energy drinks not dissimilar to red bull without the caffeine. I am familiar with Thai red bull in the small golden can, its syrupy and made for mui Thai fighters (thai modern gladiators). Red Bull GmbH are already marketing a range of caffeine-free sodas, just not in the flavour or OG Red Bull, so I think it's a missed opportunity.

I actually love the taste of Red Bull but don't miss the heart palpitations. Surprisingly it also goes well with Jägermeister.

People take taurine for congestive heart failure (CHF) and swelling of the liver (hepatitis).

Taurine provides a substrate for bile salts. Taurine, an amino acid that affects hepatocytes, is involved in forming bile salts from bile acids

Its almost a perfect alco mixer if not for it being a stimulant.

Honestly, I think it's a missed opportunity not to make a caffeine-free version, they already have a sugar-free version and a few other spin-offs. At least make a caffeine reduced option.