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Anyone who makes a post with a title of "Redpill me on..." or "School me on..." is a shill. Change my mind.

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 12:22:18 ago (+13/-3)     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

Almost all of the time these are subjects that would be far better learned about by typing the exact same question into a search engine. These posts are not an honest attempt by the poster to learn about the subject. These posts are intended to 'engage the community' and get people to waste time and energy. Shills are paid by the level of engagement they get. Every comment or response is money in their pocket and these types of posts are a very low effort way to get lots of responses and to get people wasting time and energy. Typically the poster does not even bother to add a sentence or two in the body of the post.

22 comments block

Ragnar 0 points 5 months ago

Actually, most people get too much iron