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Anon can't eat goyslop anymore

submitted by Conspirologist to 4Chan 6 monthsDec 6, 2023 05:13:31 ago (+39/-5)     (files.catbox.moe)


26 comments block

Well, at the first sign of bubbly guts, I start getting g ready for the storm.

I get a box of saltines and a six pack of ginger ale. I set up TWO beds amd take a big healthy dose of melatonin. Ya wanna try and sleep through as mu h of the sickness as possible. Then I start forcing liquids til I puke. Once the first puke and explosive diarrhea hits, that's it. You're in it for the long 12-16 hour ride.

I lie in one bed sweating. When I get up to puke and/or shit, I go lie down in the other bed while the one I was just in dries out. I just keep doing that. Switching from one bed while the other one dries. Believe me. When you have a fever a sweaty chills, nothing is worse than crawling back into a wet and clammy bed.

Once I can keep saltines and ginger ale down without puking, then it's just a nice 2-3 hour nap til I'm OK again.