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The following is a comparison between the sound of a US-made JDAM bomb and the sound of the Al-Ahli Hospital strike in Gaza

submitted by Rob3122 to Jews 8 monthsOct 17, 2023 21:03:37 ago (+20/-1)     (twitter.com)


There’s a great deal of fake news coming from IDF-linked media, blaming either Hamas or PIJ for the bombing of the hospital in #Gaza.

The following is a comparison between the sound of a US-made JDAM bomb and the sound of the Al-Ahli Hospital strike in Gaza

The sound matches up exactly. This was an Israeli airstrike using an American-made JDAM bomb, not a stray PIJ rocket.

9 comments block

Apparently Russia has figured out how to jam these in Ukraine so they keep missing their target. Odds are that's what happened here.