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"I Woke Up to World War III"

submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPorch 8 monthsOct 8, 2023 16:06:50 ago (+5/-0)     (SmedleysPorch)

Day drinking on a day off
Took a nap among the trees
I didn't think I'd wake up
To the start of World War III

It began like a Bond film
Paragliders and cheap shelling
As if our 'greatest allie' didn't know
It'd be their Casus Belli

No one on chat or forums this late
Enjoy the crickets while I can
Before nuclear winter
With calls to bomb Iran

Our endless empty pockets
Fund never ending shit shows
Once a narrative collapses
Like Hydra others grow

I watch my nephew's football game
More than meets the eye with sports
It's ancient tribal training
To prepare the men for war

Young man don't let them groom you
To false pretense loyalties
I'll tell you when you're older
When we wake up to World War III

16 comments block

Thanks man. I have many pieces posted elsewhere... I used to be a songwriter (guess I still did poetry and short stories then too), but I never gave up on the writing part.