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Told You So...

submitted by BulletStopper to Ukraine 8 monthsOct 4, 2023 12:10:36 ago (+30/-2)     (Ukraine)

By any and every concievable metric Ukraine has already lost.

NATO is toothless, and the G7 so-called, quote, unquote, “global economy", is only a regional one, with no control at all (and little influence), over 80 percent of the world's population.

Western arms shortages: Western countries have run out of national stocks of weapons that could be supplied to Kiev. The decision to give cluster munitions to Ukraine was made because NATO's supply of $5,500 155mm conventional shells had been exhausted, while Russia just purchased 10 million more 152mm shells from North Korea at $60 apiece.

Loss of public confidence in politicians: Distrust and disaproval of heads of state of the US and EU are at an all time high. The majority of people in the US and European countries oppose supplying more arms to Ukraine.

The complete failure of the Kiev regime’s counteroffensive: The UKR military has suffered huge losses in equipment and manpower with nothing to show for it.

US and all EU economies are in recession: Germany was forced to cut social payments to poor families. France has reduced the number of aid recipients; food packages are no longer distributed to those in need, and reimbursment of the purchase of medicines has been cut back.
And now they are going to be going into winter without any reliable supplies of energy.
International agencies, expecting more deterioration of the US economy in the next three years, have already downgraded long-term investments in the US.

Shortage of UKR military personnel: Kiev is mobilizing men over 50 years old, men with tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, HIV, the mentally ill, etc. Starting in OCT 2023, women are also being mobilized. Nurses, doctors and pharmacists are barred from leaving Ukraine.

Ukraine is bankrupt: Ukraine’s GDP in 2022 fell by 30.4 percent, the worst result in that country’s history. Without continuous support from Washington and Brussels, Kiev cannot fulfill its financial obligations. Ukraine has lost all financial autonomy.

Demographic losses in Ukraine: Over 10.5 million people have already fled Ukraine. Another 11.2 million residents of Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as Zaporizhya and Kherson regions have chosen Russia. Since 2014, Ukraine has lost 53.7 percent of its population. It has already lost more its population than any of the Axis states in WWII and any of the Triple Alliance states in WWI.

Two choices:
1) End the war now, today, and see if anything can be salvaged, or...
2) Keep it going for as long as possible in order to maximixe the total number of White casualties.

Oh, fuck it. Who are we kidding? We already know what the jews in charge are going to do.

43 comments block

There is a direct correlation between the length of time that a war continues, and the number of casualties, both military and civilain, on both sides, pile up. IOW, if you can cut a 1 year war down to 6 months, you automatically cut those numbers in half.

Now you have a conflict that neither side really wanted, and that the us.gov (whose entire foriegn policy can be summed up by the simple phrase: "Keep kicking the dog until he bites.") did everything in it's power to start and continues to keep it going.

If the us.gov said, "Okay, that's it, we're done.", the war would be over today.

But (((they))) don't do that, do they? Why not? Whose interests are being served by this? "Qui bono?"

And if you were wondering why both factions of the single bi-factional ruling party keep voting for more funding for Ukraine, NOBODY goes to all the trouble of setting up such a massive, continuously operating, officially congressionally-approved and continuously funded, money-laundering machine just to shut it all down just before an election year, do they?

To ask the question is to know the answer.