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Pray for White Nationalist success and leaders

submitted by oppressed to Christian 9 monthsSep 2, 2023 08:11:36 ago (+30/-5)     (Christian)

You should have a prayer partner that you at least occasionally pray with on important things you need God to do.
And not much is more important than the success of White Nationalist leaders.

You should pray with your partner for each WN leader by name, for their voices to carry through to the masses in media and everywhere, like wind, to wake up the world on things like JQ and race realism.

Also pray for God to give us more Christian White Nationalist leaders.

Matthew 19:26 Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

7 comments block

So, what's your point? Oh I know, protestant bibles are generally wrong.