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Lyndon B. Johnson collaborated with Israel to sink the USS Liberty

submitted by NationalSocialism to zionistpuppet 10 monthsAug 10, 2023 10:14:43 ago (+46/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


I took this from “Operation Cyanide: The Secret Mission that Nearly Sparked World War III Book by Peter Hounam.”

On that day in 1967, the world came closer to all-out nuclear war than ever before -- this incident made the Cuban Missile Crisis seem tame by comparison. Peter Hounam reveals that the attack was part of a clandestine plan between the US and Israel known as "Operation Cyanide," designed to ensure victory for Israel in the Middle East. By blaming the attack on the Arab world, retaliation on a grand scale would be justified.

A massive cover-up has endured to this day -- the attack on the Liberty remains the only maritime incident that has not been investigated by Congress. But many survivors and senior government officials say that the attack was no accident, including Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk. Based on interviews with ex-government officers and the examination of official documents, this book answers the following questions: Why did the White House call back rescue planes from helping the Liberty -- twice? What was the CIA's role in this attack? Did LBJ know in advance about the attack? Why did the U.S. government accept Israel's explanation?

This book will shock any reader interested in Middle-East affairs, as it shows that the U.S. was prepared to -sacrifice its men and risk nuclear war to ensure victory for Israel.

After Kennedy was assassinated by jews, Lyndon B. Johnson took office. Every policy he enacted was under jewish guidance.

Johnson's domestic policy (termed the "Great Society") was aimed at expanding civil rights, public broadcasting, access to healthcare, aid to education and the arts, urban and rural development, and public services. He sought to create better living conditions for low-income Americans by spearheading a campaign unofficially called the "War on Poverty". As part of these efforts, Johnson signed the Social Security Amendments of 1965, which resulted in the creation of Medicare and Medicaid. Johnson made the Apollo Program a national priority; enacted the Higher Education Act of 1965 which established federally insured student loans; and signed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which laid the groundwork for U.S. immigration policy today. Johnson's opinion on the issue of civil rights put him at odds with other white, southern Democrats. His civil rights legacy was shaped by signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968

During his presidency, the American political landscape transformed significantly, as white southerners who were once staunch Democrats began moving to the Republican Party and black voters who sporadically supported the Democratic Party prior to 1964 began shifting towards the party in historic numbers.Because of his domestic agenda, Johnson's presidency marked the peak of modern liberalism in the United States in the 20th century. Johnson faced further troubles with race riots in major cities and increasing crime rates.

13 comments block

Lbj also had jfk assassinated. Lbj also changed the dedicated social security fund to a general fund to break the system and fund all his pet projects and claim no new taxes. Lbj also put more niggers on welfare than at any other time. Lbj also escalated the viet nam war.