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16 comments block

What I showed is that the rays not being parallel in images from clouds or through trees is a local effect generated by the clouds or trees.

No you fucking didn't...that just isn't what you did, AT ALL...and I'm not going to pretend that you did.

Now...considering that, if you just look out your window, there's not a single shred of evidence that we live on a ball floating in a giant vacuum, any claim to the otherwise would be the absurd one that's going to require some 'splainin. And also considering that, as far as I know, the first thing that happened to "prove" the Earth is a ball was an experiment that rests on the assumption that sunlight is parallel, I'M going to need YOU to prove to me that's the case, because I can see with my own eyes, it isn't.

The extraordinary claims are A: sunlight is parallel, and B: the Earth is a ball floating in space.