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See all the police surveillance tools used in your city

submitted by knightwarrior41 to Technocracy 1.2 yearsApr 2, 2023 14:17:57 ago (+8/-0)     (www.usatoday.com)


Over a million hobby drones are registered in the U.S. You may never know when you’re being watched. Check out my guide to avoiding drone surveillance. We wrote this after one hovered over my pool while I was swimming.

Ever stay in an Airbnb? Hosts sometimes spy on their guests with hidden cameras. Yes, that happened to me too. Use these tricks to catch them in the act.

Police departments are stepping up their surveillance, adding drones to their tech collection. How closely does your local department monitor you? Here’s a searchable website you can use to see:

Atlas of Surveillance

The Atlas of Surveillance is a searchable database project from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It shows which surveillance technologies – such as drones, automated license plate readers, and facial recognition – are used by law enforcement agencies across the U.S.

our founders never intended for this

4 comments block

Prairie 0 points 1.2 years ago

Thermal camera to find hidden cameras (if they're AC-powered).