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Female jewish artist paints a picture depicting pedophilia displayed in an art exhibit. The French are outraged and want it removed. Typical jewish news headline defending this degeneracy.

submitted by NationalSocialism to Jews 1.2 yearsMar 30, 2023 08:51:17 ago (+35/-1)     (news.yahoo.com)


France is engulfed in an art scandal surrounding the work of Swiss artist Miriam Cahn, depicting Russian war crimes in Ukraine. The painting was accused of promoting paedophilia, and attempts were made to remove it from the exhibition.

Cahn's work, titled fuck abstraction! is part of one of her largest solo exhibitions, which is currently on view at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. The painting depicts a male figure forcing oral sex on a more petite figure whose hands are tied behind the back, artnet writes

25 comments block

That would be considered “antisemitic”.