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John Kerry Says New Climate Change Executive Orders Are Coming

submitted by knightwarrior41 to Technocracy 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 21:27:02 ago (+23/-0)     (12ft.io)


President Joe Biden is preparing a series of new executive orders to address climate change, according to recent comments by his special envoy on climate-related issues, John Kerry.

Kerry discussed the Biden administration’s plans for reducing U.S. emissions during an interview with Yahoo News Senior Climate Editor Ben Adler on Friday.

Adler noted that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) championed by the Biden administration is projected to bring down U.S. emissions by about 40 percent, despite a goal set by the administration to bring about a 50 percent reduction in U.S. emissions by the end of the decade.

“We’re doing a lot more than just the IRA,” Kerry responded. “The IRA is a package that in and of itself can get the 40 percent. But in addition to that, the president is issuing executive orders. There’ll be changes on automobile, on light truck, heavy truck, heavy duty—a number of initiatives that are being taken by states, subnational, cities. They really kept us in the game, frankly, during the Trump administration when he pulled out of the [Paris Climate Agreement].”

13 comments block

Aze 0 points 1.2 years ago

Zero injuries, millions in property damage, and IIRC he ate his gun when the killdoser got stuck.

I don't blame him one bit. Man had had enough.