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You ever just say "I don't know" and gauge a reaction.

submitted by OriginalGoat to Discussion 1.4 yearsJan 20, 2023 20:55:16 ago (+18/-1)     (Discussion)

I had a kidney malfunction and went to get it looked at.
"you have your vaccines?" "no."
"Oh, why not?"
"I don't know anything about it, I'm not a scientist."
"It was made by scientists."
"I don't know them either."

"you think the world is flat?"
"I don't know I've never left north America. I mean, I doubt it but I don't actually know."

"was the moon landing fake?"
"I don't know. I wasnt there, nor alive at the time."

"who's responsible for 9/11."

11 comments block

con77 0 points 1.4 years ago

Seems reasonable to me