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18 comments block

EVs have a long way to go, but this is clickbait garbage. NOBODY is using a 120v outlet to charge their car unless its an emergency and they just need to eek out a few miles to get to a proper outlet.

120v outlets max out at around 15 amps. That's 1.8kW.

The Hummer has a 200kWh battery. 200 / 1.8 = 4.6 days to charge.

Anyone buying an EV is gonna have a dedicated 240v circuit installed to handle the charger. Those are 30A or more. 240v x 30A is 7.2kW, or 27.7 hours. Both of these estimates assume the battery is completely drained (which will likely never happen).

If they have a 60A circuit put in, that's just over 13 hours from empty to full, which is easily done overnight. And let's face it, if someone is wasting money on a Hummer EV, they can afford to install a 60A charger.

There are tons of reasons to dislike electrics, but this is garbage writing. It's designed specifically for the "I hate EVs because the evil communist liberal nazis like them" boomercon crowd, to make them look retarded.

And you're falling for it.

If you want a good reason to ridicule this piece of shit, how about the fact it has a 200kWh battery, but is so fucking massive it still only goes 350 miles in ideal conditions?