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Why does everyone have an erratic sleep schedule today?

submitted by anon to askanon 1.5 yearsDec 8, 2022 12:00:24 ago (+9/-0)     (askanon)

Everyone I know sleeps at random ass times. Fucking 4 to 5pm they'll go to sleep.

And there's a trend of people pretending that when they so happen to fall asleep at 8pm-11pm that they're trying to get on a normal sleeping schedule; and low and behold,they are far off that schedule the very next day or no more than 3 days later.

People will wake up at 2am or 5pm. The meth heads are awake at all inappropriate times like 1am to 430qm (this post isn't about meth heads I don't care to hear about them). Speaking of early morning fags, bars are the dumbest place to be these days (and have been for at least 15 years). You're gay if you go to bars regularly.

Why are faggots not on normal sleeping patterns anymore?

35 comments block

anon 0 points 1.5 years ago

The point is you are a schizophrenic retarded boomer