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What they now call transsexuals used to be called transvestites, which were recognized as merely harmless fetishists.

However, with the intentional confusion of a man who puts on women’s clothes with a man who is sexually so committed to a paraphilia that it becomes a perversion, as well as rapists and pedophiles who utilize the allowance of men in drag into private areas previously restricted to women and/or children; then it becomes obvious that a pervert in drag assaulted two women.

Guide for the perpetually perplexed:

1 —You are neither responsible nor a cause of the ignorance or insanity of others:

2 — You are never required to pretend truth does not exist, in order to not expose the idiocy of others.

3 — A man in a dress is not a woman, whether or not he has surgically implanted breasts and cut off his dick.

4 — A man in drag is a pervert, and probably insane; and therefore he should not be trusted.

5 — If a man dresses as Napoleon, and claims to be Napoleon, nobody is required to call him Napoleon, nor follow his commands; and this is infinitely more true if he is an Olympic athlete with connections to an Armenian mafia family that practices and preaches various types of socially unhygienic practices, primarily miscegenation and the utilization of transsexual philosophy as a means of sterilization of the youths of an entire generation. Literally: these motherfuckers should be drinking hemlock and left to lie in the street to rot, never move to lie on television.