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They can't even pack parts into boxes

submitted by Her0n to Niggers 1.6 yearsOct 16, 2022 02:26:29 ago (+62/-1)     (Niggers)

I built an automation system for a plastic injection molding plant. My crew has finished the actual job and we are moving onto the training phase. I have some guys training the technicians who will maintain the automation, and I have some men training the laborers on how to properly remove the packed parts from the automation and place them into boxes.

This plant manager was smart enough to hire only White men to work as automation techs, but the laborers... nothing but low IQ wiggers and your typical niggers.

All these laborers have to do is stand in one spot, pick up a packaged/bagged part and put it in the box with the number that matches the bag. Bag 1 goes into box 1, simple.

As I take a break from programming, drinking some coffee while I watch the production floor from the CEOs office I see these niggers all standing in a cluster bullshitting. As they bullshit I see the wiggers contemplate leaving their work station to join in the talk of "muh dikken". As they join in the machines pile up the automation, clogging the presses, causing potential damage to the molds.

I've already said something about this to the production manager and as I'm typing this I see him berating the entire group. These fools risk the easiest legit $25/hr they will ever get just to pack bagged parts into boxes in climate controlled rooms.

I've written a second email now to the CEO about this, and I'll be staying Monday morning to talk to him about it. My name is attached to this project, and I'll be damned if I let a bunch of assholes drag me down, I'll rip everything out and pay the contract fee. My reputation is more important, my automation is amazing.

These niggers deserve to sweat in the heat of the sun.

75 comments block

What's your qualifications? I'm curious how you got into the industry and learned what you know