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Anon shares his IQ research

submitted by CowboyHenk to 4Chan 1.7 yearsSep 27, 2022 14:47:19 ago (+77/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


64 comments block

copy/paste the 15 seconds future nigger...

"Future nigger dindu nuffin",,,copy/paste...

The 15 second nigger.
Don't laugh. I've thought about this since I first read it back in July, and it makes more sense the more I think about it.

Jul 27
"Time does not exist to the nigger, there is only the present, the now. A cop yells, "do not run I will [in the future] shoot!" This phrase is meaningless to the nigger. In the nigger's mind he has two choices: be detained by the cops, or run and be free. That the cop will start shooting 5 seconds into the future is incomprehensible to the nigger. Niggers are living in a science fiction parallel universe where there is no continuity with themselves 15-seconds into the future. As a White man you think you are still you 15-seconds in the future, not so to the nigger. The nigger sees no relation to himself 15-seconds in the future, it is a completely different person. Their interests are unrelated if not opposed.

Once you understand that a nigger cares as much about himself 15-seconds into the future as you do about some random nigger, all of a sudden all a nigger's decisions makes sense. Why go into obscene amounts of debt for some chrome rims? Some other random nigger will have to pay it back instead of you. Why rape some random White girl? Some other random nigger will go to jail not you. Etc. Niggers are literally free of all consequences for their actions as they've broken the cause effect chain through nigger magic.

Now you can also appreciate the injustice of niggers being shot or put in jail. If a nigger shot at a cop 15-seconds ago, that was a completely different random nigger to the nigger. The nigger getting shot was just living his life (in an alternate universe where you forever live in one moment) and is now being shot for literally no reason.

Black mamas have been trying to explain this to thick White people for years with the shorthand 'He dindu nuffin'. These obese negresses are trying to explain that, while to you it appears that her nigger son committed some horrific act of violence, in fact that was actually a completely different nigger in a parallel universe. Niggers only exist in the moment, and in the moment the negress is speaking (the only moment she has ever known), her nigger son literally has not done anything wrong.

Being a nigger is like reliving Groundhog Day over forever, but in 15-second clips. The next time you interact with a nigger or goldfish remember that."