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Over 90% of Americans were opposed to entry into WWII Pre-Pearl Harbor. So that's why (((they))) caused Pearl Harbor to happen.

submitted by beece to History 1.8 yearsSep 4, 2022 20:13:15 ago (+50/-0)     (citizenfreepress.com)


More facts available in these books:

"Operation Snow" - John Koster.

"The Bad War" - ML King

29 comments block

How may other things can be chalked up to false flag maliciousness

Almost everything. You don't fail in exactly the way to cause the most damage to the most White people on accident. Not at the levels they are at.

instead of straight up incompetence?

They hide behind incompetence and plausible deniability. It is their shield from the masses. It's why pedo Joe is in office, he is the perfect lightning rod, the most plausible patsy.