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Call police or no?

submitted by Gowithit to whatever 1.8 yearsSep 1, 2022 20:09:47 ago (+30/-0)     (whatever)

1 set of black girls come by saying I phone is pinging their I watch is at " this" location.

Not here sorry.


Black guy shows up saying I phone is pinging that watch is here

Sorry not here.

He then asks if there is anyone else that lives here that he could ask.

Yes but I say no.

Black guys says he'll be back with cops.


Do I call the cops or is this an innocent enough mix up because I'm reading sometimes it can ping to different places around a neighborhood.

I'm not a big fan of them coming when it's night time.

They had a few people across the street.

Sounds like a set up right?

Not a lot of black people around this area except for the section 8 housing a few blocks up.

Is it stupid to call the cops?

Update: Fuck it.I don't have time to hang out on the porch all night . Called the cops . Said if I see them again to call them.

Maybe it helps that there has already been suspicious activity here in the past few weeks anyways.
Fucking assholes I'm going to be up all night anyways now. Fuck.

update #2

Car with no headlights on came to park across street at almost 12 zoomed off when he saw me and nephew at door. Nephew went around looking saw the same car parked up side street. Went around twice more car was still sitting there , called police , took them 30 mins to go look. Nothing else happened thankfully.

79 comments block

con77 9 points 1.8 years ago

grab your gun